- Language learning
- ICT learning
- Language & ICT learning
- Other
All resources in this database were operative on 18 December 2020.
Fondazione ACRA, Viaggi Solidali, Oxfam Italia, Marco Polo, Bastina Voyages, Periferies del Mon, IMVF, Renovar a Mouraria, Earth
Barcelona City Hall, Asociació Andromines, Ateneu de Fabricació
Fundació Catalunya La Pedrera
Barcelona City Hall
Erasmus + project
Multi Kulti Collective, Bulgaria
Royal Academy of Dance, UK
Knowledge Association, Bulgaria
Association for education
Universitat Jaume I
AGE Platform Europe: projects
Muğla Bodrum Public Education Center
Erasmus + project
Erasmus + project
Erasmus + project
Mario Rinvolucri
Samia Naqvi and Rahma Al Mahrooqi
Dušana Findeisen, Nives Ličen
The Open University
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